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Friday, April 02, 2010

DotCom POW!!!

As Chris had mentioned in an earlier post, there is a lot of big things developing for Charles, and for his fan base. (Hence why he was asking for your e-mail, address, etc.)

WhereisCharlesHamilton.Blogspot.com has been the number ONE fan site for Charles since his disappearing act last year. If you don't visit this site regularly, then simply put.... you're probably not a real StarChaser.

That being said, with CH's return and the launching of his new official site www.ThisisCharlesHamilton.com We anticipate even more fans (and haters) to surface. Which means that we need to be more accessible to his fan base.

Today marks a milestone for the "Where Is Charles Hamilton" movement, myself (Localjerk063) and ChrisDotRivera have dropped the blogspot from the URL. We now proudly present to you www.WhereisCharlesHamilton.com !!!!!

The site (though it looks the same now) will be going through some changes. (including more posts from me) lol. And Hopefully plenty of support from the fine folks at NewCoMusic and Charles himself.

We will be needing YOUR input, so all suggestions are welcome. As we try to figure out the best way to use this site to support Mr. Hamilton.

Follow us on Twitter too.

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