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Wednesday, January 05, 2011

New Music: Danger[[Johnny Polygon ft Charles]] and Pink the Light of Life

[[this is the cover i put all the 'loose' tracks to, and label it the WiCH Process, just so y'all know]]

the (insert adjective of your liking) people at Charles-Hamilton.com have been able to sweep up some rare gems for us
They got their hands on the song with JOHNNY POLYGON(who we've featured on WiCH b4) [[sort of]] lol and a song off of the LAVALAMP Zone

shouts out to them...

The track with JP is DOPE AF
and Pink:The Light of Life is :o
Download Links :


this was a nice little gift to hold everyone over until #NoCompetition


Please continue to keep charles in your prayers and thoughts...
he needs them...
Thank you all :)


Courtesy of Charles-Hamilton.com

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