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Thursday, January 12, 2012

ATTPD2: FUCK HOUSE SHOES (All Caps, With Dilla's Permission)


1. I Heart Dilla
2. 9 Gets It Crackin
3. Esme 2 it
4. In Response To Kevin Nottingham
5. Cubana Lust Gave Me A Lapdance
6. George Massa
7. Jack Giving Bitches Facials
8. Get Sober
9. Fuck House Shoes
10. DillaRequest vs. CharlesLightYear
11. Esme's First (Spooky Dream)
12. Cheaters Anonymous
13. The $, Faniltonized
14. Fucking Jenna
15. SuperSonic'sSecondfreeStyle
16. grandma Siad (VERY high; cauton)
17. Just Like That
18. IDK
19. Sonic The Hedgehog's Theme
20. 369 (Interlude)
22. Aloe Vera

I don't know where track 21 is either...

But without further ado, you know what to do...

Download HERE!!!

2 Starchasing Opinions:

HMW said...

Can someone get this up. (Thats what she said)

Anonymous said...

What is the j dilla beat Charles used for 369 interludee

Please email me the name of the instrumental at


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