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Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Starchaser FB Group!

ok sooo idk if i've told you before... but there's a starchaser group on facebook...
it's for all the starchasers to get to know each other, and so we can become like a family kind of... or at least closer with each other... sooo here's the link

Starchaser Central
Starchaser Central
Starchaser Central
Starchaser Central
Starchaser Central

join us, and have fun and keep up with the latest news and music and starchasers!
and no bitchassness, its a place where you can truly be yourself and voice your opinion, no one will be treated unjustly

1 Starchasing Opinions:

Jason said...

Ahh man, i'd total join that if I was lame enough to own a facebook

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